+ I know I've been out of commission this month and I'll explain more soon. For now, I wanted to share a little helpful information.
Every medicine cabinet I've seen and every client I've worked with has had expired or unused prescription drugs lying around. We have no intention of ever using them again but usually have no idea how to dispose of them. Can I trash them? Should I dare flush them? What about my personal information? We had boxes full when I helped my grandmother downsize!
Some pharmacies take them and some police stations do, so normally you could call around and find out. I usually ask my pharmacy. But today you have the answer! In the US, tomorrow, September 26 from 10a to 2p is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day!! The DEA has information on the initiative and where to take them on their website.
So, I recommend we all spend a few minutes this evening looking through our bathrooms, side tables and medicine cabinets, collecting any medications that we aren't currently using to be discarded. Please don't hang on to them just in case you get that infection again... you probably won't within the expiration window and that's not the best energy to keep in your home. ;)
Good luck and talk soon! xo